Terms & Conditions - Pop Up

Pathways Plus



Terms & Conditions


You must be at least 18 years of age to participate with the Pathways Programme.


Attending Events

All sessions and content will be conducted in the English language, and will commence at UK time zones. You must be able to fully engage with the programme in alignment with these requirements. You’re only permitted to attend sessions “in person” if you have purchased the “Hybrid” session option. If you have purchased the “Online” option


Copyright and Publication

The participant retains the copyright in the Work and any other materials created by

the participant during the programme. The Pop Up team may request access to your work to share for promotional purposes, and this will be fully credited to you where applicable.


Data Protection

The Organisers may share the participant’s data with affiliates where necessary, including learner support details, illustration skills etc. as is necessary to deliver the Programme smoothly and successfully. The Organisers are responsible for handling the participant data in compliance with GDPR regulations.


There may be some photography at events, and by making this purchase you agree to Pop Up Projects keeping full and exclusive rights to this photography. You must notify Pop Up two working days in advance of any event, in writing, if you do not wish to be photographed.


Code of Conduct

(a) The Organisers are committed to creating a positive environment for participants and everyone else involved in the Programme. In order to achieve this, the Organisers

require the Organisers’ employees, all participants and all delivery partners (such as

mentors and facilitators) to maintain a high standard of interpersonal relationships,

including online.

  • The participant will act professionally, respectfully, honestly and responsibly at all times, and to have regard for the welfare of everyone involved in the Programme.
  • The participant will maintain a good understanding of and be sympathetic to the values of the Programme, especially the Organisers’ dedication to diversity, inclusion and equality.
  • The participant will never behave in any way that could jeopardise the mental or physical well-being of anyone involved in the Programme, including by means of abusive, discriminatory, aggressive or violent behaviour or language.
  • The participant will not act in any way that may bring the Programme, the Organisers, their Mentor or fellow participants into disrepute, including on social media.
  • If it is alleged the participant is in breach of this Clause, the Organisers may suspend the participant’s involvement in the Programme whilst the allegation is investigated.
  • If the participant is found to be in breach of this Clause, the Organisers may terminate this Agreement.


Withdrawal and Refund Policy

There is a no refund policy on this programme, as all sessions including tutors are pre-programmed based on the number of purchasing participants. Any concerns regarding the quality of the programme should be raised to the Pathways Manager in writing, where it will be investigated. Any resolutions as a result of this investigation will be communicated to you.